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Pop Up Store:1/F, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay11:30am-8:00pm 「28Jan close at 7pm」

Terms and Conditions


Order Guildline

1)所有訂單需於最少四天前於網頁下單(23:59 截單)。
4 days notice is required for all orders. (Cut-off time: 23:59).

2)如少於四天訂購蛋糕,會視作急單處理。請Whatsapp +852 98824388查詢,而每張急單需另收取行政費$80
Please WhatsApp us at (+852 98824388), with orders less than 4 days notice. They are considered as urgent orders which will be charged for $80 administration fee.

You will receive a confirmation email once you place an order.
If you have not received any email from us, please contact us as soon as possible.


We have a no refund and return policy. Once an order is placed, you cannot cancel or make a refund.


Self Pick Up Guildline 

Cake must be hold steadily and horizontally during the transportation. We recommend that the cake box should be flat and secure at all times and avoid placing it in direct sunlight. We will not take responsibility for any damage incurred during your own transportation. 


Please be on time, no cake collections can be arranged outside business hour. 

3) 為確保蛋糕質素及工場運作暢順,所有訂單必須於客人自行揀選的日子之辦公時間內領取蛋糕。我們將不會為客人保存蛋糕,並保留處理過時未取之蛋糕訂單的最終決定權,亦不會再任何形式的退款。

In order to ensure the food quality and operation efficiency, all orders have to be collected within our business hour on the date of collection that customers have selected. We will not provide any cake keeping service and A LITTLEMOMENT PASTRY reserves all rights handling the cakes that have not been collected with no further refund or compensation in any form. 


Delivery Order Guildline


Customer may have to collect the cake beside the van. We are truly sorry for any inconvenience caused.

2)送貨行程需預早安排,若需要更改地址或送貨資料等,請於至少24 小時前,於辦公時間內 (11:00-20:00) 以電話 (+852 98824388) 致電我們通知。

If there's any update regarding the delivery, please contact us via phone call(+852 98824388during business hour at least 24 hours in advance. 


Please make sure the recipient’s phone is active and reachable with dialling by our delivery team. Cakes would have to return to A LITTLEMOMENT PASTRY (Tuen Mun Studio) for all unreachable delivery to ensure the cake’s quality, delivery fee may paid by customer. Customer may have to pick up the cake or rearrange the third-party delivery to come over A LITTLEMOMENT PASTRY (Tuen Mun Studio) by themselves on the same day within our business hour. Delivery fee would not be refunded for all unreachable orders.


Bad Weather Arragnment 


If a T8 or above weather warning or Black Rain is hoisted during our pastry‘s working hours, our delivery services will be delayed. We will try to be in touch with our customers to work out feasible arrangements. In any case, no cancellation or refunds will be provided.


Customers will usually need to decide if they would like to proceed with the order with possible earlier collection or postpone their order.

5) 暴風雨天氣影響下,送貨服務一般會因大量未知因素而受一定程度的影響,希望客人體諒。我們的運輸團隊會於實際可行及安全情況下,盡量安排,以滿足客人需求。

We hope you understand that under the bad weather condition, our delivery service is highly possible to be affected due to the unforeseeable circumstances. Our team will try the best to fulfil all customers' demand under a feasible & safe condition.

6) 如有任何更改及查詢,請於辦公時間內致電我們 (+852 9882-4388) 查詢。我們亦會盡力聯絡當日訂單之客人,請大家耐心等候。 

Should you have any question or update, please don't hesitate to contact us at +852 9882-4388 during business hour. We promise to try our very best to arrange & fulfil your needs.



更新: 202341 (更新內容)

*A LITTLEMOMENT PASTRY reserves all rights to modify, suspend or terminate the above terms and conditions without prior notice. In the case of dispute, the decision of A LITTLEMOMENT PASTRY shall be final.